Where The Road Runs Out


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

getting outta school

desperate times call for desperate measures...
i could: sail away//become a pirate
get kidnapped accidentally...sortof
ride a unicorn away
i need more ideas haha

Monday, September 7, 2009

grizzly bear

went shopping @ whole foods and got sidetracked....

finished the time traveller's wife.....you should read it! the movie looks rlly realyyy bad though

Finally got what all the hype was about on Grizzly Bear: i heard 2 weeks and it was so so good
i love grizzly bear now


justtt started this, idk what it is though, i spaced out

this was actually way back when in may or june

sam and the disappearing brownie

coffee for bfast tomorrow

internet scrabble 8/09

koji and i are engaged in a furious battle of internet scrabble~its amazing
za (noun): an Italian dessert made of whipped and heated egg yolks, sugar, and Marsala wine, served hot or cold.
mystery solved haha

going up to westporrttttt

i was drawing on the train to westport and my iphone died! but it had 40% battery left? my iphone is a quitter.

unicorn guitar hero

im trying to learn how to play guitar...but it looks a lot better than it sounds: S

mr drigger's creepy critique

"but those arent the only figures i'm looking at on the beach, if you know what i mean"

true story

umm yea. i cant really explain this

senior pranks '09

senior pranks this year were: senior pillowfights (the deans went ballistic, and chased the revolting students through the school, eventually ending up in a mess in the cafeteria)
maple syrup lined the escalator rails...i ran into the people with the mrs butterworth, the deans were rllly mad but i thought it was kind of funny
tech majors changed the colors of lights
and one senior cursed out everyone in her painting


ready set go

all in a mornings work ?

snacking in art class, end of junior year 09
